(Pictures taken by Ronald Mills for BuxMontNews.com)
On an early Thursday morning a little over two weeks ago, Democratic challenger for the State Senate seat of District 12, Ruth Damsker greeted Philadelphia bound passengers on the platform of the Warminster SEPTA station.
It was approximately 6:45 a.m. Damsker accompanied by one her many campaign workers were meeting and greeting potential voters in the area at the well-traveled train station.
Smiling, welcoming she encouraged would-be riders to join her in a brief, clear and concise conversation as to why the locals need to vote for her, and not the incumbent of 32 years, (R) Senator Stewart Greenleaf.
Surprising a number of passengers greeted her with the eager curiosity that many have come over them when meeting someone from the political arena. Often we see our federal representatives but that us usually with a phalanx of protectors around them warding off questions from the public.
This wasn't one of those times.
As a result of the chance meeting, on the platform, b the Damsker Campaign for State Senate Dist 12, obliged our still young and growing blog with an interview.
When we sat down with former Montgomery County Commissioner for an interview, my sense of that meeting is, the Damsker Campaign smells victory in the air and are now going for that proverbial knockout punch of the "RE-Elect Greenleaf ,"Campaign.
Talking with Damsker outside of her "War Room" where the direction's for victory on Election day are mapped out, Damsker immediately pointed out that, "Sen. Greenleaf refuses to debate me," saying the need for such a debate is "unfounded."
Damsker now goes on the offensive.
The former Montgomery County Commissioner points out that if Greenleaf was "a leader, he should have attended the caucus meeting called by Governor Rendell, so a vote could be had on the the Shale Tax Bill, instead the Republican Majority in the Senate decided to go home and" kill the bill ." Senate democrats attended the caucas meeting, But no Republicans, not even Greenleaf attended," the candidate said.

"The Republican Senate and my opponent say so? That's just wrong," she said, responding to her own question.
"Everyone should pay there fair share in taxes, and that includes those gas companies," she responded, when asked what she would do about the issue if she were the sitting Senator.
When asked why she is getting back in to the local political scene, she tells the story that "in a one-year period my three daughter in laws gave birth to three beautiful grand daughters and because of those exciting events I tossed my hat back in to the race."
"The future is about them too," she continued.
When asked if she had any last words for the voters of the 12th Senatorial District, Damsker said, "I believe I am the voice of the people., and I won't let bi-partisan politics get in the way of that, with my Republican friends we can work together on issues that effect us all."
Seems to me, Senator Greenleaf your going the 15 rounds cause it doesn't appear Democratic Candiate for State Senate Ruth Damsker is finished fighting by a long shot.
Election day starts in about 72 hours with polls opening at 7 a.m. Tuesday morning.
Don't forget to vote!On Election night we will be bringing you live coverage of the state and federal election numbers as they roll in. Put http://www.buxmontnews.com/ on your favorites list so you can keep track of election night winners and losers.
Please note that Sen. Greenleaf, was contacted to be a part of this article, however he choose not to take part.
For more information about the Damsker Campaign go to http://www.voteruth.com/
For information on the Sen. Greenleaf re-election campaign you can go to http://www.senatorgreenleaf.com/
Updated at 6:50 AM
For the 2010 Cycle 3 Campaign Finance Reporting Period
"Citizens for Greenleaf" received approximately $183,000 in Campaign Contributions.
"Damsker for Senate" received approximately $17,000 in Campaign Contributions.
Very interesting story!