Sunday, October 31, 2010

Roll Call!! Sunday Morning Sports Commenteary

Written By Jeff Bohen.

So the NBA season started in the past week. Has Lebron James won a ring yet? No, you say, well can someone politely tell him and his handlers, including Nike to shut up till he does.

Perhaps the most important thing Duane Wade can teach the "Anointed One," is a bit of humility. Seems Wade, with ring on finger, has yet to lose grasp of that concept.

In its best "We got this," rant the Philadelphia sports media as a whole failed to recognize one single important element to the assertions the Phillie's are a dynasty. You need to actually win more than one world series for that to tag to be real.

NL East Dynasty? Yes.
NL Dynasty? Maybe.
MLB Dynasty? NOT !!

This same kind if rah-rah, lose yourself in the story, instead of reporting the story, took place with those Eagles teams that went to five straight NFC Championship Games. I often thought to myself 'hell why should the other team even bother showing up, the media has this game in the bag all ready.'

Well they don't play the games on paper, or the web for that matter...and those Eagles teams with all its incessant self promotion and drama never won the BIG Game!

They just played it in the local press, waking up to the Monday morning horror of the question "tee time at six a.m.?"

So much for dynasties.
Seems the Giants and that staff 1.80 ERA in September had something to say about that, now didn't they?

If you want to dynastay like the NY Yankees, you have to win like them-Hit when it matters most.

How about this?

Lakers v Heat.

Best 40 out of 70 so we can get to the Finals series every one wants to see sooner, rather than later?

Of course less the David Stern talk about wearing NBA headbands properly (See Celtics "Rondo" for more on the NBA "Style Police.")

Looked to me on Monday night that NY Giants put all that Cowboys at home for the Super Bowl talk to rest with one slam to the ground of Mr Romo.

Think he's going to Mexico to heal?

Its official. Brett Favre is starting in New England today


Looking for a possible Super Bowl Preview?

Jets -Packers today is as close as you can get. And it should be a doozy.

Of course its not like watching Raiders -Steelers of the 70's & 80's. Now those were real "Bloodbaths."

I heard a rumor that the NHL Hockey Season is underway.

I need a second source to report this as truth. Can someone help me out?!

I'm wondering if its possible that we add a game to the NFL Flex Schedule that starts up in late November. Jets -Ravens II? I want to see that game in December, not the first Monday night game of the year, thank you very much.

Uhhh is it true the New York Mets hired a Real GM? With a new script yet same old ownership? The story will end the same, as the last, choke, choke, break...

You know the real football season is here when the NY Giants employ the "Three Yards & a cloud of dust" Parcell's offensive scheme.

And hey, they have a receiver that catches TD's by the bunch!

What are the Eagles up to by the way? Something about clock management and Coach Reed again?

Lastly, I really have no love for the NCAA Football, except when Boise St plays, that is.

NOW the question is will the BCS number crunchers have the footballs to put them in a National Championship game, lest say against Auburn? Oregon St?

Yea I didn't think so, they sooo don't like uninvited guests!

Roll Call is done!!

Enjoy the games. Vote on Tuesday!!

The time they played Tampa ,,,remember that?

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